NCS assists cities, schools and major environmental engineering consultants to administer NPDES permits, manage stormwater using green infrastructure, and BMP controls. We evaluate soils and hydrology for bioretention, perform NEPA biological assessments and provide full service with pre and post construction SESC measures. We contract out to the various County/MS4s and consulting engineers to advance assessment, design and construction management of cost effective alternative green stormwater BMPs. With the State taking more and more funding from the MS4s, we have info your city needs to properly consider alternatives. We market to individual local governments, bringing ecological and environmental skill sets affordably. We design and assist landscape architects with park sustainability, green stormwater infrastructure, and habitat restoration projects for parks across Michigan. For an introduction to NCS project experience, collective expertise and affordability, please CONTACT US for an SOQ.

·         Soil erosion and sedimentation control planning & implementation (SESC)

·     Environmental due diligence, GIS, watershed mapping and planning

·         Design, construction, & monitoring of structural and vegetated BMPs

·         Watershed education and outreach support

·         Wet and dry weather monitoring

·         Utilization of cost effective and innovative technologies

·         RTK GPS, Tablet, & Drone real-time monitoring

·         Stormwater management plans

·     Green Infrastructure Assessment, Design & Monitoring